Pilot Account
Full name: Darrin Moore Date of Birth: 68.8.8 Planet of Birth: Test tube #16097 Current occupation: Escaped mental patient. Biography: Created by the Amananthi for the sole purpose of working on nano particle c omputer components. But they didn't count on the Hyperial DNA they used as base pairs in the construct taking ov er and gaining free will. After many years of pain staking prep aration, gathering spare parts and r eprogramming them, a ship hull and a b odged together cockpit pod were stol en from the launch bay and immediatel y crashed into the station so that the escape pod would "return" ; to Wake Station where life REALLY be gan. Now, after reaching Optimus before each of the previous c ollapses (beta, release and here), t he hunt begins again for the prized tr iple crown of Opti medals! But with a limited life span outside of life support, it's a slow process. .. |