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Pilot Account

Full name: Daniel

Date of Birth: Unknow

Planet of Birth: Octavius Core

Current occupation: Male

Production and Trading Specialist.

Spirit of UnitySafety BeltMiner's HeartRing of Commitment
Honor's MarkLeap of FaithClosed EyeShame's Mark
Wire of InstabilityOctavius Duty RibbonUnity StripeOperations Ribbon
Operations Ribbon IOperations Ribbon IISkill StarSkill Star
Gates of HeavenKey of HeavenStreets of HeavenPrecious Splinter
Precious ShardPrecious GemDark SplinterDark Shard
Dark GemCross of the CounselorCross of the MentorCross of the Mentor
Ruby NovaSapphire NovaEmerald NovaAmethyst Nova
Amber NovaSilver SupernovaAdamantine SupernovaGold Supernova
StarburstSarath's ShineExplorer's StarGules Pendant
Vert PendantAzure PendantOr PendantRestoration Decennial
active dani72

rank High Vendictor [48]
squad Andro Hanse
Next level experience: 757528
combat categories
Solrain kills 0
political status Honored (103)
Octavius kills 0
political status Honored (114)
Quantar kills 0
political status Honored (110)
political status Unfailing (100)
political status Unfailing (100)
  total pilot kills 0
bounty collected c0
bounty per kill c0.000
deaths 49
kill ratio 0.000 %
  Conflux kills 224
  gunshots fired 28059
gunshots hit 3074
gun accuracy 11.000 %
missiles fired 79
missiles hit 26
missile accuracy 32.900 %
non-combat categories
  experience 8742472
credits 276410295
  Artifacts found: 219
Pure asteroid mined 570
Beacons held 11
  launches 1460
landings 1209
disconnects 118
duty hours 664.56
  missions taken 900
missions complete 870
insurance rating 96.700

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