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Full name: Rivet

Date of Birth: 65.11.7

Planet of Birth: Sol

Current occupation: Flux extermination

Growing up was ruff. Running from pla ce to place so my mother could feed my s ister and I. My father was killed when the conflux attached our home planet , I was only eight years old. I tried to keep up with studies in school but, it was useless moving all the time. My se cond year in High School I had gone to 6 different schools! My Mother was nev er around. After my older sister left , I started to think about what I was go ing to do.

After my life tr agedies, I met a man. He was a skilled f ighter pilot. He trained me to fight t he Conflux. He belonged to a squadron called DSA. I joined DSA as a newbie bu t, already had the skills to fight. Re bel and I became a flux fighting machi ne. Then the war came. The factions st arted to battle each other for suppli es and materials instead of mining an d hauling. They stole and killed as th e Conflux gain more and more control o ver sectors. Swarms of Flux would att ack us at once. We could no longer keep their numbers down and they just abou t wiped us all out. Many died in the war s. What used to be a thriving communit y of hundreds of pilots is now just mem ories of ghosts.

The Russ ians came and helped us rebuild. Rebe l created a new squadron called Syner gy and we started training new pilots . Still, there are some anti-faction alists still out there causing probl ems. Some would call them terrorists and pirates. They survive on the weak and unprotected. Pillaging any tow t hey want for materials, food, and gol d. These pirates are well armed and we ll trained. They are nothing like fig hting the Conflux.

Spirit of UnitySafety BeltRing of CommitmentTactical Pride
Honor's MarkLeap of FaithPath of LightClosed Eye
Wire of InstabilityUnity StripeUnity Stripe IUnity Stripe II
Operations RibbonSkill StarSkill StarSkill Star
Skill StarGlory StarGates of HeavenKey of Heaven
Cross of the CounselorCross of the MentorCross of the MentorCross of the Mentor
Ruby NovaSapphire Nova
active Rivet

rank Regulator [33]
squad Synergy
Next level experience: 136774
combat categories
Solrain kills 0
political status Honored (110)
Octavius kills 0
political status Honored (101)
Quantar kills 2
political status Unfailing (100)
political status Unfailing (100)
political status Unfailing (100)
  total pilot kills 2
bounty collected c0
bounty per kill c0.000
deaths 11
kill ratio 18.200 %
  Conflux kills 1493
  gunshots fired 108134
gunshots hit 30786
gun accuracy 28.500 %
missiles fired 151
missiles hit 101
missile accuracy 66.900 %
non-combat categories
  experience 1773226
credits 9087628
  Artifacts found: 0
Pure asteroid mined 0
Beacons held 29
  launches 435
landings 419
disconnects 5
duty hours 202.51
  missions taken 231
missions complete 228
insurance rating 98.700

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