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Pilot Account

Full name: Hammer-BS

Date of Birth: 80.3.28

Planet of Birth: Perasca

Current occupation: Postulant of the Brotherhood

I started duty in 101 after my mentor w hiske told my all basics I needed to kn ow. Then i joined the Quantar Movers - a squad helping young Quants getting started - and became squad-leader af ter a short period of time.

After the first collapse I joined th e Preservers - also a pro-Quantar-sq uad - after an invitation from pilot N essos whom I had worked with on severa l qbld-occasions to fulfil many Quan tar factional missions.

After the second collapse I returned to duty and did my best to further the g oals of Quantar and TRI alike.
< br />Former partner of Jalil Aq'tamm in recovering and decrypting pre-co llapse data-discs.

Spirit of UnityMerit of DefenseSafety BeltRing of Commitment
Tactical PrideHonor's MarkFlame of CourageLeap of Faith
Path of LightWire of InstabilityQuantar Duty RibbonQuantar Duty Ribbon
Quantar Duty Ribbon IIQuantar Duty Ribbon IIIHyperial Duty RibbonUnity Stripe
Unity Stripe IUnity Stripe IIUnity Stripe IIIUnity Stripe IV
Operations RibbonOperations Ribbon IOperations Ribbon IIOperations Ribbon III
Operations Ribbon IVOperations Ribbon VGlory StarGlory Star
Glory StarGlory StarGlory StarGlory Star
Glory StarGlory StarGlory StarGlory Star
Glory StarGlory StarGates of HeavenEmperors' Emissary
Quantar's FlameBlue MatrixRed MatrixGreen Matrix
Orange MatrixPurple MatrixWhite MatrixRainbow Matrix
Keval's ThanksKeval's ThanksKeval's ThanksKeval's Thanks
Keval's ThanksKeval's ThanksTache's CrestEchoes of Hope
Echoes of HopeEchoes of HopeEchoes of HopeNuke Splinter
Nuke ShardNuke GemKey of HeavenStreets of Heaven
Title of HeavenSeeker of KnowledgeSeeker of KnowledgeSeeker of Knowledge
Seeker of KnowledgeSeeker of KnowledgeSeeker of KnowledgeSeeker of Knowledge
Seeker of KnowledgeSeeker of KnowledgeSeeker of KnowledgeSeeker of Knowledge
Ice SplinterIce ShardIce GemPrecious Splinter
Precious ShardPrecious GemDark SplinterDark Shard
Dark GemCross of the CounselorCross of the MentorCross of the Preceptor
Ruby NovaSapphire NovaEmerald NovaAmethyst Nova
Amber NovaSilver SupernovaAdamantine SupernovaGold Supernova
Rising StarStarburstSarath's ShinePilots' Choice - Leadership
Sarath's WitHamalzah's Divine GraceEmerald OptimusExplorer's Star
Gules PendantVert PendantAzure PendantOr Pendant
Cesium MedalCesium MedalCesium MedalCesium Medal
Cesium MedalCesium MedalCesium MedalCesium Medal
Platinum MedalPlatinum MedalPlatinum MedalPlatinum Medal
Antimony MedalAntimony MedalAntimony MedalCaptain's Commendation
Captain's CommendationCaptain's CommendationCaptain's CommendationCaptain's Commendation
Captain's CommendationCaptain's CommendationCaptain's CommendationCaptain's Commendation
Captain's CommendationCaptain's CommendationCaptain's CommendationCaptain's Commendation
Captain's CommendationCaptain's CommendationCaptain's CommendationFluxBuster
The Spade of KaradronThe Spade of KaradronThe Spade of KaradronThe Spade of Karadron
The Spade of KaradronSarath's OrbShahir AssadRestoration Decennial
Battle of DXChrysalis Campaign Ribbon
active Hammer-BS

rank Quantar Optimus [50]
squad Brotherhood
Highest Ranking Achieved!
combat categories
Solrain kills 0
political status Honored (105)
Octavius kills 2
political status Unfailing (100)
Quantar kills 0
political status Worshipped (125)
political status Unfailing (100)
political status Legitimate (7)
  total pilot kills 2
bounty collected c2041695
bounty per kill c1,020,847.500
deaths 8
kill ratio 25.000 %
  Conflux kills 13628
  gunshots fired 367002
gunshots hit 126860
gun accuracy 34.600 %
missiles fired 4315
missiles hit 4089
missile accuracy 94.800 %
non-combat categories
  experience 67713694
credits 2176997779
  Artifacts found: 2333
Pure asteroid mined 2304
Beacons held 1797
  launches 4733
landings 4644
disconnects 98
duty hours 8,201.47
  missions taken 4543
missions complete 4541
insurance rating 100.000

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