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Pilot Account

Full name: Unknown

Date of Birth: Unknown

Planet of Birth: Unknown

Current occupation: Unknown


Spirit of UnitySafety BeltRing of CommitmentTactical Pride
Honor's MarkLeap of FaithPath of LightClosed Eye
Wire of InstabilityUnity StripeUnity Stripe IUnity Stripe II
Operations RibbonOperations Ribbon IGates of HeavenKey of Heaven
Cross of the CounselorCross of the MentorCross of the MentorCross of the Mentor
Ruby NovaSapphire NovaEmerald NovaAmethyst Nova
Amber NovaStarburstSarath's ShineExplorer's Star
Gules PendantVert PendantAzure PendantOr Pendant
active DSamurai

rank Octavius Alterion [49]
squad Warrior
Next level experience: 1223776
combat categories
Solrain kills 0
political status Unfailing (100)
Octavius kills 0
political status Worshipped (125)
Quantar kills 0
political status Unfailing (100)
political status Unfailing (100)
political status Unfailing (100)
  total pilot kills 0
bounty collected c0
bounty per kill c0.000
deaths 5
kill ratio 0.000 %
  Conflux kills 4228
  gunshots fired 475614
gunshots hit 90518
gun accuracy 19.000 %
missiles fired 6
missiles hit 3
missile accuracy 50.000 %
non-combat categories
  experience 10776224
credits 7622413
  Artifacts found: 29
Pure asteroid mined 0
Beacons held 0
  launches 1331
landings 1295
disconnects 74
duty hours 870.47
  missions taken 273
missions complete 272
insurance rating 99.600

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