Pilot Account
Full name: Bae' Ohn Yette' Date of Birth: 80.6.20 Planet of Birth: Perasca Current occupation: Faithful Servant of Hamalzah Biography: Before the 2nd great collapse, Bae' l ived a confused life. His first memor y was waking up in a cargo container on Octavius Core Station. He was alread y a young man, but with no memory of his past; he had no idea of his Quantar her itage. With nothing to his name, he vo lunteered to join the Octavius Recon struction Initiative. His career as an Octavian pilot was filled mostly w ith anti-Conflux campaigns and the o ccasional skirmish with outlaws. De spite reaching the rank of Octavian O ptimus, Bae' eventually became disi llusioned with that way of life and re signed his Octavian commission to jo in the Quantar faction. There was som ething about the Quantar way of life t hat felt familiar and comfortable, b ut during this time in his life, Bae' f elt his allegiance lay more with The R econstruction Initiative, than wit h the people of Quantar. What was more , is that against all odds, in the cour se of his adventures, Bae' fell in lov e with a Solrain pilot. Feeling such a deep connection to her, he felt perha ps his roots lay with her people. So de spite having yet again attained a ran k of Optimus, Bae' resigned his post w ith Quantar and joined the Solrain Co mmonwealth. Bayonette climbed the S olrain ranks at an incredible pace, a chieving the level of Solrain Optimu s before many of his peers had even gai ned clearance to pilot a Viceroy... a nd yet, he felt very little satisfact ion. It was then, having experienced the lifestyles, victories, and achi evements of all three factions that t he truth of his Quantar heritage beca me abundantly clear. Finally giving himself to the beliefs and heritage o f his true people, he found his peace a nd purpose. Among all the temples of Q uantar, Bae' always felt a special co nnection to the Corridor station. An d in the course of time and research, h e finally learned that he was, in-fac t born on the planet Perasca. |