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Pilot Account

Full name: Unknown

Date of Birth: Unknown

Planet of Birth: Unknown

Current occupation: Unknown


Spirit of UnitySafety BeltTactical PrideHonor's Mark
Leap of FaithPath of LightClosed EyeWire of Instability
Octavius Duty RibbonOctavius Duty RibbonOctavius Duty RibbonOctavius Duty Ribbon
Unity StripeUnity Stripe IUnity Stripe IIOperations Ribbon
Operations Ribbon IOperations Ribbon IIOperations Ribbon IIISkill Star
Skill StarSkill StarGlory StarGlory Star
Glory StarGates of HeavenBlue MatrixRed Matrix
Green MatrixOrange MatrixPurple MatrixWhite Matrix
Nuke SplinterNuke ShardNuke GemKey of Heaven
Streets of HeavenIce SplinterIce ShardIce Gem
Precious SplinterPrecious ShardPrecious GemDark Splinter
Dark ShardDark GemCross of the CounselorCross of the Mentor
Cross of the MentorCross of the MentorCross of the MentorRuby Nova
Sapphire NovaEmerald NovaAmethyst NovaAmber Nova
Silver SupernovaAdamantine SupernovaGold SupernovaRising Star
StarburstSarath's ShineRuby OptimusExplorer's Star
Gules PendantVert PendantAzure PendantOr Pendant
active -Jon-

rank Octavius Optimus [50]
Highest Ranking Achieved!
combat categories
Solrain kills 0
political status Unfailing (100)
Octavius kills 0
political status Honored (110)
Quantar kills 0
political status Unfailing (100)
political status Unfailing (100)
political status Unfailing (100)
  total pilot kills 0
bounty collected c0
bounty per kill c0.000
deaths 10
kill ratio 0.000 %
  Conflux kills 3003
  gunshots fired 104103
gunshots hit 67932
gun accuracy 65.300 %
missiles fired 405
missiles hit 367
missile accuracy 90.600 %
non-combat categories
  experience 12661744
credits 305052144
  Artifacts found: 0
Pure asteroid mined 113
Beacons held 121
  launches 995
landings 976
disconnects 12
duty hours 704.35
  missions taken 1083
missions complete 1083
insurance rating 100.000

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